Teen Action Committee
The Teen Action Committee (TAC) at the Caldwell Public Library is a group of teens interested in positively engaging in the Caldwell community through Library programs, activities, and projects. TAC provides opportunities for teens to take on leadership roles in a safe environment. Our meetings are safe spaces where all Caldwell-West Caldwell and West Essex students in grades 8 and up are welcome. Teens who live in the towns assigned to these schools but who attend other schools or are home-schooled are welcome to join as well.
TAC members are required to complete volunteer projects throughout the year, with a minimum of 1 project every 3-4 months (though they may do more). Active members also earn volunteer/community service hours for attending meetings. TAC meetings are generally a blend of time to socialize, plan/brainstorm/prep TAC-led programs, and unwind from the week/play games.
Get Involved in TAC!
Fill out the teen volunteer form HERE.
Meet age requirements: Teen Action Committee Members must be in at least 8th grade.
Meetings are scheduled based on member availability; be sure to join Remind so that you can have input on when we meet! We are currently on an unofficial break and hope to return soon!
Email the Youth Services Librarian about your interest: kchurchill@caldwellpl.org.
Join the TAC Remind Group.
Web browser: CLICK HERE
Mobile app: rmd.at/taccpl (you will be prompted to download the Remind app if you don't have it already installed)
Current Activities Include:
Launching and Running a Teen Social Media Account for the Library
Recent activities planned and presented by TAC include:
STEM Buddies
History Club for Kids
Among Us Gaming Tournament
Pages to Popcorn Club
2019 Winter Party
2019 Summer Teen Lock-In
2018 Fall Fest and Baking Contest
2018 and 2019 Harry Potter Party